An Ambulance Goes to Nigeria

by | Jun 4, 2018

I have quite a few very memorable experiences where I undoubtedly know it was an act of God.

This is one of them.

In 2016, Pastor Alex Abiola from Nigeria and I became friends, and soon after I started to support him on a few endeavors.

One day, he called me and said, “Brother Guil! God told me to ask you for an ambulance!” I reminded him that I was a builder, and that he could ask me for a 2×4 or a window, but an ambulance? No way.

And he reminded me that God instructed him to ask me. So, very skeptically, I said okay, and went on with my day.

Within the hour, I unexpectedly ran into a buddy, Clayton, wearing a paramedic t-shirt. I asked him if he was the type of paramedic that rides in ambulances, and he told me he was.

I smiled, and went out on a limb, and explained the need for an ambulance in Nigeria, and laughed and said, “you don’t happen to know of one that nobody wants around, do you?”

He said, “as a matter of fact, Levy County just decommissioned the old one! It’s a long shot, but I’ll ask for you.”

I got in my truck, and was overtaken with the realization that God weaved together this opportunity so perfectly. Tears filled my eyes, so much that I couldn’t even drive.

Two short days later, I received a call from Clayton, and knowing me, he asked if I was driving. So I quickly pulled over! He waited until I was safely off the road, to tell me that we could have the ambulance.

Thank you God!

Four months later, Pastor Alex and Nigeria had their ambulance.

An Ambulance goes to Nigeria

It is a huge blessing to their community and is very well used!

An Ambulance goes to Nigeria

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