Mozambique Trip – Extras

by | Nov 15, 2018

Michael and I would love to share every second of our trip to Mozambique in October 2018!

Although there are no words that can fully describe the spiritual awakening that happens on mission trip, we can show you some images that will make you smile!

Mozambique Trip - Extras

Arrived at Tete Airport!

Mozambique Trip - Extras

They won’t let us walk on the ground, they create a path with capulanas.

A capulana is a type of a sarong worn primarily in Mozambique but also in other areas of south-eastern Africa. It is a length of material about 2 metres by 1 metre.

Mozambique Trip - Extras
Mozambique Trip - Extras

Checking on the first well.

Mozambique Trip - Extras

This is a welcoming to remember!

Mozambique Trip - Extras

The kids were especially excited to see the running water!

Mozambique Trip - Extras

Those domes are the ovens where they will manufacture bricks for the next church we are building.

Mozambique Trip - Extras
Mozambique Trip - Extras

Standing room only!

Mozambique Trip - Extras
Mozambique Trip - Extras

Receiving offerings.

Mozambique Trip - Extras

Doing a little shopping.

Mozambique Trip - Extras

My kids! ❤️

Mozambique Trip - Extras


Mozambique Trip - Extras

Heading home!

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